
Showing posts from November, 2020

"Working is NOT my priority"

  While I personally don't like the app Tiktok, it does have some pretty good audio samples. For my dialogue/ lip sync, I decided to use a clip of Kourtney Kardashian saying that she doesn't want to work (I think because of her kids, but let's be honest, if I already had millions of dollars then work wouldn't be my priority either). The process began by creating a little cheat sheet of different mouth shapes on a piece of paper, and mapping them out on the actual words. After, I did the body key frames and attached a head on top. The eyes, mouth, and eyebrows are all animated on different layers and was personally my favorite part of the project. I wanted to give her as much attitude as possible, so there is an emphasis on the eyebrows. The hair came last, but it looks a bit wonky at times. I wish I had done a short bob instead of the long volume. It took a while, but it's so cool to see the character talk and give facial expressions. 

Walk Cycle

At first, the walk cycle task made me a little nervous because I didn't think I was going to have the skills to do it. After sitting down, taking a deep breath, and plugging in my tablet, I got to work. I watched a lot of tutorials online and from class, then I was able to get the gist of it. It was important to find a rhythm and animate on 3s. Doing everything in its own layer also helped. I began with red and blue lines for the front and back legs, as well as the arms. When the spine and body were done, I outlined the legs and arms and added hands and feet. I did the neck and head last, which was thanks to being able to copy and paste the actual head and rotating it to go along with the rest of the body. The walk seems a bit bouncy, and it only takes two steps, but it's still walking somewhere.   


I decided to name the guy moving the box Harold, and by the looks of it, the box is light to him. I misinterpreted the directions and didn't exactly add weight, but the weight of the box should be obvious by how easily he is able to pick it up. Although I wish I had made it heavier, it was still a lot of work to put this together. I started by taking a reference video of myself lifting up a square shaped ottoman in my room. After that, I wanted a string bean looking character so I did a couple rough sketches of what that would look like. Then, I went in and did the key poses, then doing in betweens to make the movement more smooth. And voila, harold and his weightless box were born.   

Fjord Does Stuff

This here is Fjord performing a set of actions- he's rather athletic. I relied heavily on the reference sheet I made, but I struggled with how I was going to get him to perform all his tasks. At first I was going to give him a friend who was throwing things at him, but I thought it would be cooler if he could do everything himself (it also saved animation time). Having the balls being tossed at him by some unknown entity was the story, but it was find doing inbetweens to get him from one pose to the next. I wish I had done a better job on the line work and volume, and maybe spent more time on the inbetweens, but he does perform every action from his character sheet.