"Working is NOT my priority"


While I personally don't like the app Tiktok, it does have some pretty good audio samples. For my dialogue/ lip sync, I decided to use a clip of Kourtney Kardashian saying that she doesn't want to work (I think because of her kids, but let's be honest, if I already had millions of dollars then work wouldn't be my priority either). The process began by creating a little cheat sheet of different mouth shapes on a piece of paper, and mapping them out on the actual words. After, I did the body key frames and attached a head on top. The eyes, mouth, and eyebrows are all animated on different layers and was personally my favorite part of the project. I wanted to give her as much attitude as possible, so there is an emphasis on the eyebrows. The hair came last, but it looks a bit wonky at times. I wish I had done a short bob instead of the long volume. It took a while, but it's so cool to see the character talk and give facial expressions. 
